Since 1987, Physicians for a National Health Program
has advocated for reform in the U.S. health care system. A large part of
our work involves educating health professionals about the benefits of a
single-payer system--including fewer administrative costs and affording
health insurance for the 50 million Americans who have none. Physicians for
a National Health Program is a single issue organization advocating a
universal, comprehensive single-payer national health program. PNHP has
more than 26,000 members and chapters across the United States.
Our members and physician activists work toward a
single-payer national health program in their communities. PNHP organizes
rallies, town hall meetings, and debates; coordinates speakers and forum
discussions; contributes Op-Eds and articles to the nation's top
newspapers, medical journals and magazines; and appears regularly on
national television and news programs advocating for a single-payer system.
PNHP is the only organization in the United States
dedicated to implementing a single-payer national health program.
The PNHP Washington Chapter was initiated in the
fall of 2005. Our first general meeting was in January 2006 and we have
had monthly meetings since that time. We meet on Zoom the 3rd Wednesday of the month.
PNHP Washington Board of Directors
Sherry Weinberg, MD, President
and Treasurer
Dana Iorio, ARNP, Vice-President
David McLanahan, MD, Coordinator
Seth Armstrong
Munif Chowdhury
Consuelo Echeverria
Hugh Foy, MD
Outreach Chair
John Kearney, MS4, UW
Gleb Sych
Kathleen Myers, DDS
Andy Wellens
Communications Chair
Advisors to the Board
Marti Schmidt, JD
Mindy Blaski, MD
Duties of the Board members are to chart the
course of our chapter, plan monthly meetings, elect and oversee the
Executive Committee (Chapter President, Vice President,
Treasurer, Secretary/Coordinator, and Working Committee Chairs) that will
be more involved with day-to-day business. Board meetings will be held once
a month and at other times as necessary. The Board may choose to meet via
conference call rather than in person.